The software controlled, user adjustable laser parameters can be interfaced with either microscope or micromachining workstation for seamless, unified operation. SOLAS-Series lasers provide reproducible high quality and clean femtosecond pulses on a 24/7 basis for your demanding applications.
★ Fetures:
Yb-doped fiber gain medium
Single-emitter diode pump
Compact, all-in-one-box, OEM-ready design
Operates from 1.025-1.035 μm
From 100kHz to 25 MHz repetiton rate
uJ level pulse energies ⇒ access to nonlinear effects
Extremely low noise
Optional SHG/THG/FHG: access to visible/UV wavelength
The SolaFab-Series encompasses everything you need to micro-machine with femtosecond lasers. The SolaFab-Series breaks new boundaries in size, performance, and price to expand the accessibility of femtosecond laser machining into new areas of manufacturing and R&D.