[產品資訊] XUV Dichroic Mirrors

2021 年 9 月 28 日

♦ Advantages

  • Higher damage threshold than beam separator (Brewster angle type) and thin film XUV filer for HHG.
  • Broad bandwidth coverage.
  • Able to efficiently separate and combine  XUV and NIR.
  • Standard and customized specifications are available to fulfill customer’s requests.

♦ Product descriptions

Standard modelDM-20/800-2002DM-30/800-2002
AOI78 degrees78 degrees
NIR reflectivity~2% @ 800 nm +/- 50 nm
XUV reflectivity~ 60% @ 20nm~ 60% @ 30nm
CcoatingDielectric AR
Substrate materialFused silica
Size2” dia., 10 mm thick
Parameters for custom specifications.
AOI75 deg ~ 87 deg
Polarizations, p
AR wavelength400 nm, 800 nm, 1000 nm, etc.
HR wavelength3-5 nm, 13 nm, 30 nm, 60 nm, etc.
Substrate materialFused silica
Substrate size1″ dia. – 4″ dia.
*Reflectivity varies depending on incident angle, target wavelength and polarization.
