The analog ERIS Spatial Light Modulator extends our broad SLM product range for applications with particular requirements. The SLM device shows extreme phase stability, low latency and low crosstalk. […]
Quantitative phase imaging for cytology The Phasics quantitative phase microscopy solution allows analyzing large living-cell populations at the single-cell level. It delivers a comprehensive dataset […]
Hear What People are Saying About our New Technologies! “We have some really amazing new products right now! Out of all of them, I am the most excited about the Quasar Raman spectrometer because […]
Optotune’s Beam shifters displace light laterally by accurately tilting a glass window. In imaging systems this allows for increasing resolution by a factor of 4. Typical applications include no […]
LCOS (Liquid Crystal on Silicon) is a reflective microdisplay technology based on a silicon backplane. Using standard CMOS processes, microdisplays with extremely small pixels, high fill factor (pixel […]
電動可調焦鏡頭 Optotune開發一系列電動可調焦鏡頭,或稱為液 […]
Metallography, or more recently materialography (metals plus composites), is the qualitative and quantitative description of the microstructure of metallic materials using microscopic methods. To be a […]
It is now 2022 and the StellarNet team wishes you a very happy new year. Like many people, with the turn of the new year, the StellarNet team has been thinking about resolutions. But here at StellarNe […]