Kaleo IR

Spectral Range SWIR (900 – 1700 nm) eSWIR (1.7 – 2.35 µm) MWIR (3 – 5 μm) LWIR (8 -14 μm)

The Phasics Kaleo IR optical test bench makes infrared lens quality control simple. MTF is obtained in a single shot at all frequencies with no need for scanning or complex alignment. Wavefront aberrations are also provided with a single acquisition. The Kaleo IR optical test bench performs as a cost-effective infrared interferometer for any wavelengths in the SWIR, MWIR, or LWIR regions.


  • Multiple infrared wavelengths on a same bench
  • Single shot MTF and WFE measurements
  • On & off axis infinite to finite configuration



Kaleo IR
ModelKaleo IR
Wavelength rangeSWIR – MWIR – LWIR
Beam sizeFew mm to hundred of mm
Configurationsingle / double pass – on / off axis – infinite to finite – infinite to infinite – finite to infinite
Measurements typeMTF – WFE – Comparaison to design